My reaction to 2 short films that I saw

    Epic 2014 

        Honestly this video was very interesting because that film was made from 2004. It was basically predicting the technology advancement in 2014. It was only talking about the world web. Tim burner the creator of the world web, that is one of the best creation in my opinion in history. Without it, companies like Amazon, Microsoft and Google would not be as big. It has made people get information a lot faster and efficiently. Not only that but being social as well so social media like Facebook, Snapchat and TikTok may not have existed today. We know how important social media and impacts it has made to the world to today. Another thing it was interesting was that the film predicted that google would control the world wide web by 2014. They would control and store people's personal information by where they are from, tracking online purchases, background information. How they ended up doing that was a constant battle against Microsoft until 2010 which Microsoft could not keep up with Google. Not only that but google bought companies like bloggers and other web. Teaming up with Amazon which it was called googlezon. Of course this was all the prediction of what would happen after 2004 with a world wide web.

   The Machine is Us/ing Us

    I like how the title of the video shows. Basically it is saying how the machine in the web world is using us to learn and grow themselves by every time we upload, link and click links. Billions of people are using the web and with that many numbers it is not a surprise that the machine is learning rapidly. It did mention that Digital text is very unique and fast because you can do a lot of things with digital texts like searching in search engine, creating a link, or just typing a document. Also, not only that it talks about how HTML is a code programming that creates websites. It has been evolving. The web connects people!


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